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  • Buying foreclosed South Carolina homes: financial asistance programs

Buying foreclosed South Carolina homes: financial asistance programs

Tips if you are considering buying foreclosed South Carolina homes with financial asistance programs

buying foreclosed South Carolina homes financial assistanceLike many areas throughout the country, South Carolina has a large number of foreclosed properties due to many residents with financial difficulties. If you're thinking of buying foreclosed South Carolina homes, financial assistance is available through banks, mortgage lenders and government programs.

If you need financial assistance in South Carolina to buy a foreclosed home, you should explore your options. Banks and mortgage lenders own foreclosed homes and typically want to them as quickly as possible. The bank will also provide financing if you have stable income, a good credit history and money for a down payment. You may be able to get both a home below market value and financial assistance from the same source.

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You may choose to get pre-qualified or pre-approved from the mortgage lender or bank of your choice to speed up the purchase of a foreclosed home when you buy one. Many individuals considering buying a foreclosed South Carolina home that need financial assistance visit a mortgage broker before looking at foreclosure listings available through the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), real estate companies, lenders and other sources.

Both the state and HUD have loan programs for first-time homebuyers, single mothers, teachers and all sorts of specific groups. These programs provide government insurance on loans, but you still get the loans through mortgage lenders.

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Fannie Mae and other federally funded programs also offer financial assistance for South Carolina foreclosed home buying. To find out which program is best for you, contact the South Carolina State Housing Finance and Development Authority and HUD.

If you're interested in buying foreclosed South Carolina homes, financial assistance resources can influence your decisions. There are many additional options aside from the financial resources listed above. Reply! can help you find financial assistance and foreclosed homes in your area.

Photo credit: Tax Credits via Compfight CC.

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