Latest in Education

Arts degree for single parents: tips for going back to school

A fine arts degree can cover a wide range of topics and subjects. Some students prefer studying the visual arts, while others prefer the performing arts.

Business degree for single parents: tips for going back to school

Finding time for yourself while going back to school to achieve a business degree as a single parent isn't as hard as you might think.

Online learning tips for single parents

Read these smart online learning tips for single parents. Overall, stay positive and focused.

Types of nursing degrees: 4 options for single mothers

Read about different types of nursing degrees. As a single mom, time management is everything. Decide which speciality fits your life.

Single mothers: 5 degree options

The world can seem against you at times. Yet single mothers can control their education. Make a decision today.

Single parent education: degree options

For single parent education, there are a variety of paths to go back to school, from the health care industry to earning your master’s degree.

Pros and cons of nursing: career option for single parents

Read this article. Then make your own career list of the pros and cons of nursing.

Part time nursing school: pursuing a nursing degree and balancing part-time work

From selecting nursing courses to flexing your organizational muscles, attending part time nursing school is possible.

Nursing degree for single parents: tips for going back to school

Read these basic tips for single parents looking to go back to school for nursing.