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Single mothers: 5 degree options

The world can seem against you at times. Yet single mothers can control their education. Make a decision today.

Single mothers kiss babies by Katie Tegtmeyer on FlickrMore and more single mothers are realizing that the path to financial security and personal fulfillment requires earning an education.

The U.S. Census Bureau reports that there were 10 million single mothers with children younger than age 18 in the U.S. in 2011, which was up by around 34 percent from the figures of 1970.

Fortunately, there are many grant opportunities that are geared toward single mothers. Education statistics show that single mothers are seeking college degrees in record numbers.

The concept of mothers' going back to school is not new, but it is more widely encouraged now more than ever before in history. With millions of women realizing the importance of mothers and higher education, it only makes sense that the numbers in the workforce are growing.

Single mothers: Learn new skills. Find local and online classes now!

Here are some top career choices if you're considering going back to school, including:

Careers in medicine

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), careers in the health care industry are poised to be in more demand in the years to come thanks in part to an aging baby boomer generation.

Other careers in medicine will also see an increase, according to BLS statistics, including the job of dental hygienist, which is expected to see a demand increase of 38 percent.

Home health aides are expected to see an increase of 70 percent during the same period of time.

Careers in nursing

A nursing degree can be a huge asset in the workforce, as nursing careers are set to explode, with BLS statistics predicting a demand increase of 26 percent by the year 2020.

Careers in education

The demand for postsecondary teachers is on the rise. The BLS estimates that the U.S. will need around 17 percent more instructors at the postsecondary level between 2010 and 2020.

There is also a demand for elementary school teachers, with a projected growth of around 17 percent as well.

Careers in finance

Careers in accounting and auditing are expected to see a demand increase of around 16 percent by 2020.

Careers in tech

Tech careers, like the computer itself, are quite lucrative. There is an anticipated demand growth of 22 percent for computer and information technology careers, according to the BLS. Close the gender disparity gap and take a risk with technology if it interests you.

Continuing education programs or starting a new career can help single mothers provide an even brighter future for her children. Reply! is a great source that can use to find qualified educational programs from local, accredited colleges and universities.

Find local schools with programs to meet your needs! Apply today!

Photo credit: kiss by Katie Tegtmeyer via Compfight CC.