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  • Allstate car insurance collision coverage: what you should know

Allstate car insurance collision coverage: what you should know

Adding Allstate car insurance collision coverage to your policy may be a smart decision

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All licensed drivers are required to have some basic type of auto insurance coverage. You may want to consider adding an option like Allstate car insurance collision coverage to help cover any car accident repair expenses you may incur. Before you make the final decision on which type of policy is best for you, it is important to understand the basics of what is available to you.

Collision coverage basics

it's easy to add allstate car insurance collision coverage to your policyCollision coverage is sometimes also referred to as "auto collision insurance". This is the part of your car insurance policy that typically pays for damages to your car from accidents involving other cars or objects or in the event of a rollover accident. (Property damage liability coverage will pay for expenses due to damage inflicted on another car in an accident you caused.)

With Allstate collision coverage, after an accident, you'll pay your deductible, then Allstate pays the rest up to the actual cash value of your car. Allstate determines the actual cash value of your car by taking into account things like the purchase price, age, and condition and other factors that contribute to the car's depreciation.

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What should your deductible be?

damage to your car can be covered with allstate car insurance collision coverageThe deductible you choose for your Allstate auto inurance collision coverage is a centerpiece in determining both the scope of coverage and what you will be paying for that coverage. The higher the deductible, the lower your premium will be.

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a deductible is how much you will be comfortable paying out of your own pocket should you have an accident. Allstate collision coverage deductibles can range anywhere from $0 to $1,000. While a higher deductible helps you save money on your premiums, remember, you'll have to pay more out-of-pocket in the event of an accident. 

Another thing to think about - if your car is old and worth close to or less than your deductible, collision coverage may not be right for you. Allstate has a unique tool to help you decide what your collision limit should be or even if you should add collision coverage at all. It’s known as Allstate's Bumper-to-Bumper Basics® tool and it is one feature on Allstate’s website.

How much will this cost?

Collision accidents are the most common kind of insurance claim. Because of that, Allstate car insurance collision coverage is one of the priciest portions of your total premium cost. It is also an expensive add-on for any basic car insurance policy.

Remember though, if you’re insuring an older car through Allstate, you might not even need this coverage. If you're still worried about paying too much every month, you can increase your deductible and lower your collision premium costs. You can also apply for the numerous premium discounts offered through Allstate.

Is this coverage required?

protect yourself and your car with an allstate car insurance collision coverage planIn most states, full coverage insurance is not a legal requirement for licensed drivers. However, there are circumstances where collision coverage may be required. While Allstate allows drivers to individually select additional coverage options, some insurance companies require drivers who may want collision coverage to also add comprehensive coverage before granting them that option.

If you are financing the purchase of a car you are insuring or if you are leasing a car you are purchasing Allstate insurance for, you may be required to carry collision coverage. Many lenders and leasing companies build these requirements into the terms and conditions of car loans and leasing agreements.

Check out this full description of the car insurance coverage options available through Allstate


Building a car insurance policy that will meet your current and future-driving needs is an important endeavor. Adding Allstate car insurance collision coverage may be an important aspect to that coverage and having the counsel and support of a skilled and experienced insurance professional can go a long way in helping you make that determination. Reply! can help by linking you to local insurance professionals familiar with Allstate and many other insurance providers.

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