Become a massage therapist

Learn how to become a massage therapist, from how long it takes to be certified to work options.

A woman receives a massage by thomaswanhoff on FlickrMassage therapy is becoming increasingly popular with people wanting to relieve stress, and by people hoping to alleviate general pain. More and more people are using massage therapy to help them manage pain due to illness or injury. If you want to become a massage therapist, several details need to be considered before investing in the cost of massage therapy certification.

How long does it take to become a massage therapist?

The length of time required to complete massage training school course can vary depending on many different factors. You can get your certification as quickly as a few weeks, or it could take up to two years or more dependent on how much time you can invest and how deep into the subject matter you want to go.

Primarily it depends on whether you are simply trying to get enough training to begin your career, or if you are seeking an educational program to help you master the subject.

In most states, the legal requirement for state certification often falls between a minimum of 330 and 1,000 instructional hours. You should check your state's licensing requirements before deciding on a massage training school, so you can determine how long it will take you to become certified. You want to be sure that you are going to match or exceed the minimum required hours of training for your state.

How long does it take to get my career off the ground?

The time it will take you to get your career off the ground, after attending one of the many massage therapy schools, can also vary. The answer to this question is contingent on which exact path you want to take in the field and how serious you are about becoming a massage therapist.

If you hope to open your own practice, you will have to give yourself a bit of time to build clientele. This could take a few months or a few years, depending on the level of service you provide your customers.

If it is your desire to use your skills working for someone else, it may not take you very long at all to succeed.

Find health care schools with massage programs to meet your needs! Apply today!

Who hires massage therapists?

If the option of going into private practice as a massage therapist is not for you, many other options are available. Fitness centers and spas are always looking for people with massage credentials — from continuing and higher education — to fill open positions. Airports also feature massage spas.

Sports medicine facilities also employ people with massage school certification.

Finally, some nursing homes and hospitals look to hire massage therapists with formal training or schooling.

There is a growing demand in the modern fast-paced, stressful society for massage therapists. More people are turning to massage therapy as opposed to medication and Western medical practices to help them with pain management.

In addition, many people use massage therapy to help manage their stress levels and muscle tension.

You can become a massage therapist by finding and completing a program that fulfills your state's licensing requirements. Find your options now with Reply!

Photo credit: A woman receives a massage by thomaswanhoff via Compfight CC.