Become a dental hygienist

Is a dental career calling you? This handy guide explains how to become a dental hygienist.

Dental hygienist by Gerg1967 on FlickrAre you pondering a career in the medical field? Have you given serious thought about what type of schooling or training you will need? If you want to become a dental hygienist, there are some things you should take into consideration.

You do not want to put your time and money into training for a career you may later decide to leave. It is important to understand all aspects of the job before you decide to go through formal schooling or training.

What does a dental hygienist do?

A dental hygienist is a licensed health professional who specializes in the area of oral hygiene. Dental hygienists are often in charge of examining patients' mouths for signs of tooth damage, tooth decay and disease. It is also their duty to help educate their patients on the best ways to maintain good oral health.

The exact duties of dental hygienists can vary from state to state due to the fact that states have different rules when it comes to licensing their dental hygienists.

Where does a dental hygienist work?

Most dental hygienists work hand in hand with dentists at a dentist office. In some cases, hospitals employ dental hygienists as well. Other places you may find dental hygienists include:

    • Correction facilities.
    • Rehabilitation facilities.
    • Military bases.

Some people with a degree go on to teach specialized classes on the subject. A dental hygienist's job opportunities are not limited to a position in a dentist office only.

Become a dental hygienist. Find local and online dental classes now!

How much does a dental hygienist earn?

The salary of a dental hygienist may vary depending on a couple of factors. Your residence can play a big role in determining yearly salary averages for this job position. The level of education you received can also be a determining factor in an annual salary.

What type of degree does it take to become a dental hygienist?

To become a dental hygienist, you must attend and successfully complete one of the available dental hygiene programs that are offered at many local and online universities. To enter the field and gain a job as a dental hygienist, you must earn an associate degree, at the very least. Most associate degree programs at schools for dental hygiene can be completed in two years.

After obtaining your degree, you will need to pass a national test to receive your license. Continuing your education in dental hygiene or getting a bachelor's degree may increase your earning potential.

If it is your desire to become a dental hygienist, do not wait another day. Get enrolled at your local college or in an online school to start your career path today. It does not take long to become a dental hygienist, and many people have found the job position very rewarding.

Visit Reply! today to perform further research on a dental hygienist career choice.

Photo credit: dental hygienist by Gerg1967 via Compfight CC.