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  • Sonographers training: a how-to guide

Sonographers training: a how-to guide

Sonographers training is a blend of science and technology. Within the field, there are specific areas of the body you can specialize at. Find out more.

sonograph and sonographers training by Hamed Saber on FlickrA sonographer typically works in a hospital or other medical setting, examining the inner workings of the human body. Sonographer training helps you prepare to work in this field. A large number of technical schools and colleges offer these programs.

There are a variety of things that you need to think about before signing up for a program, including the duration of your studies and the responsibilities that you will have in this role.

Sonographers work directly with patients on a daily basis, taking a medical history from each patient and explaining what was found during the exam. You often need to be in good physical shape because the machines weigh more than 50 pounds, and you might need to transport those machines every day. When you start looking at information on how to receive sonographer training, you need to choose between a certificate program and a degree program.

A certificate program gives you a certificate upon completion, which shows that you received training in the field. You might finish the program in only one year, while it might take up to four years to finish a degree.

Classes begin soon. Find your sonographers training program and apply today!

A degree typically offers more job opportunities than a certificate because it shows that you have more experience working with patients and equipment. During a certificate program, you often spend more time in the classroom studying anatomy and learning basic skills that you need on the job. A degree program gives you more time working outside the classroom.

During clinical rotations, you work directly with patients and receive hands-on training that some medical facilities find beneficial. Sonography schools typically offer degree programs, while community colleges and technical schools offer sonography programs that you can complete more quickly.

When looking at how to get sonography training, you might find that you want to specialize in a specific area of the body. Gynecological, abdominal and breast sonography are just a few of the specialties. Specializing in a specific area might help you gain employment as an ultrasound technician in a hospital that focuses on cancer treatment or another field of expertise.

Your sonography education includes an exam that you take at the end of your studies. The exam often covers all of the various things you learned and practiced. It might also include a hands-on scenario where you work on a patient.

The field of ultrasound sonography now requires some experience with computers, as the machines keep changing thanks to new innovations. You should ask if your program uses newer machines so that you can enter the job market trained on the same machines that hospitals and medical facilities use every day.

If you have an interest in helping people, working with patients and handling new forms of technology, you might find that sonographer training appeals to you. Find out what you need to do today to get started in this field.

Photo credit: Hamed Saber via Compfight CC.