Nurse anesthetist schools

Researching nurse anesthetist schools is a necessary step for RNs interested in this specialization.

A student practices at nurse anesthetist schools by Stanford EdTech on FlickrIf you are looking for a great career in the health care industry, consider becoming a nurse anesthesiologist. To become a nurse anesthetist, you will have to go through several years of schooling and on-the-job experience. There are many nurse anesthetist schools all around the country — you just have to choose the right one for you.

The path to become a nurse anesthetist may take several years, but the high salary and multiple opportunities to help people are well worth it.

In order to become a certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA), you must first go to nursing school to earn a bachelor's degree in nursing (BSN) and then obtain a registered nursing license (RN). It takes about four years of college in order to earn a BSN, and then you must pass an exam to earn an RN license.

Some nursing schools offer an RN-to-BSN program for nurses with associate degrees. There are some schools that offer accelerated programs so you can graduate in less than four years.

The next step is to gain at least one year of on-the-job experience as an RN working in an acute-care setting. The majority of nurse anesthesia master's programs require at least a year of experience. During this time, get comfortable around needles and machines, work on your bedside manner, and take pride in your role as an RN who helps others in times of need.

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Now it's time to choose a nurse anesthetist school. You must attend a Master of Science in nursing (MSN) degree program, which typically takes between 26 and 37 months to complete.

You don't have to go to a popular school to get a great education. When choosing a school, consider the cost of tuition, class schedules and location. Make sure the school fits in with your professional interests and goals.

There are a few online schools that offer MNS degree programs, but the majority of nurse anesthetist programs are on campus.

When you have the MSN degree in your hand, then you must take and pass the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) exam. You will have the choice of working in a hospital, dentist office, medical clinic, or another type of health care facility.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, a nurse anesthetist is an advanced role for RNs. CNN Money ranked the role as a high paying one in 2010. Keep in mind that salaries do vary based on location, years of experience, specialization within the field, and other factors.

If you would like more information on nurse anesthetist schools, let Reply! assist you. Fill out a simple form to find a program in your area now.

Read "Certified registered nurse anesthetist: a how-to guide" for additional, comprehensive information.

Photo credit: Stanford EdTech via Compfight CC.