Elvis Costello sang about it earnestly, so it must be true. Accidents will happen. But don't you hit and run. Fortunately, advances in auto safety have made fatalities and catastrophic injuries less likely. However, the number of minor annual accidents continues to rise steadily.
No matter who is at fault; be sure to inform your insurance company promptly after your auto accident. Failure to notify your insurance company within the timeframe specified in your policy may result in a denial of coverage. Be aware of the notice requirements applicable to your auto insurance policy.
In some states, very minor accidents will not affect your premiums, as long as they do not involve alcohol and fall under the first accident forgiveness policy. More cataclysmic accidents will raise your premiums. If you are caught driving under the influence of alcohol, you can expect more calamitous consequences from a large spike in your premiums to fines to possibly serving jail time.