The first time you attempt to read your car insurance policy, you might feel like you're reading a manual written in a foreign language. Don't worry: you can learn basic insurance terms to better understand your policy. Learn this glossary of terms:
Claim: A request for reimbursement. The claim must be covered in the policy in order to be paid.
Collision Coverage: This lets the insured driver receive payment for collision-related damages.
Deductible: The specific amount of people noted in the policy that states how much money you will pay out of pocket.
Liability Coverage: Covers accidental injuries and property damage to others, such as medical expenses, damages for pain and suffering, and any lost wagers that are a direct result of an accident.
Loss of Use: Coverage for additional expenses outside the policy-such as a rental car-while a vehicle is being repaired.
Named excluded driver: Gives the insured the option to exclude the names of drivers who won't drive the car that is being covered