If you've never been in a car accident-and have a clean driving record-you may want to consider no-fault insurance. Even though no fault auto insurance only covers liability, it is good to have in the event that you have an accident where you are at fault. In some states, no-fault insurance does not cover injuries or damages to property that may occur during an accident.
Check the no-fault insurance laws in the state where you live. With it, you may be able to sue a driver at fault for damages that aren't covered by your no-fault insurance. If you don't reside in a no-fault insurance state, you may be able to recover your damages from the driver.
Although no-fault insurance is cheapM, you may want to buy more coverage for your own peace of mind. Remember that insurance serves a dual purpose. It is there to protect you in the even that you cause an accident. It is also there to protect you if another driver hits you.