BMW vs Audi Prices and Overview

BMW vs Audi prices comparison for the most popular models from these two popular luxury brands.

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If you're in the market for a luxury vehicle, you may be considering a BMW or an Audi. With any car purchase, it's important to do your research and learn about your top choices before taking a test drive.

Conducting a BMW vs. Audi comparison, including prices and performance factors, can help you reach a final decision and feel confident about the choice you've made. There are a lot of car options out there, so narrowing the field down to your preferred brand can be a great first step.

Price comparison

BMW vs Audi pricesIn the battle of BMW vs. Audi, prices are certainly an important issue. A BMW sedan is going to cost you anywhere from $32,000 to $143,295. The luxury 6 series will be in the $75,000 to $95,000 range, while the more modest 3 series will cost between $35,000 and $60,000. New Audi sedans range in price from around $27,270 to a whopping $210,300.

The least expensive model is the A3, with the R8 GT Spyder coming in at the top. There are plenty of models in the middle of that range, such as the A6, which starts at $42,200, and the RS 5, which starts out around $68,900.

Fuel efficiency and MPG comparison

BMW vs Audi pricesWhen it comes to fuel efficiency, a BMW vs. Audi comparison can help you know if fuel prices will increase your cost of ownership over the life of your new car. However, most comparable BMW and Audi mid-size sedans get similar gas mileage.

According to a car-buying guide, the BMW 7 series gets about 17 miles per gallon in the city and 25 mpg on the highway, while the 3 series gets around 23 mpg in the city and 33 mpg on the highway. The Audi A3 gets an estimated 21 mpg in the city and 30 mpg on the highway, while the A4 gets 22 mpg in the city and 30 on the highway. 

Performance comparison

Any of these German import vehicles, whether a BMW or an Audi, will probably impress you when it comes to performance. The BMW 1 series has a 300-horsepower engine and six-speed manual transmission, and reviewers agree that it performs much better than other cars in its class.

According to car rankings, the BMW 7 series does a great job of combining comfort and power with its luxurious interior and optional twin-turbo six-cylinder engine. The Audi A5 comes with a turbocharged four-cylinder engine and has great handling. The Audi A7 ranks high in its class of large luxury cars with its V6 engine, eight-speed automatic transmission and strong brakes.

Get local quotes on BMW vs Audi prices now!

As you continue on your car-buying quest, use Buyerlink to connect with dealers in your area and schedule test drives. When it comes to BMW vs. Audi, prices will likely be a vital factor in your decision-making process. Both companies have models with a wide range of price tags, so you should be able to find something in your budget.

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